Tattoo Removal
Care Instructions
Patch test – what to look for
Patch tests are carried out to determine the treatment parameters and to judge how your skin and the tattoo might react to a full treatment. During a patch test, a small area of your tattoo will be treated and this will allow us to assess how well the light energy is being absorbed and whether the skin and tattoo pigment will respond as expected.
Following your patch test
Make a note of any redness or swelling that occurs, along with how long it takes to subside. Also let us know if the skin blisters or feels excessively hot for an extended period of time after treatment. After around a week we will see you for your next appointment.
Before your treatment
There should be no active or fake tan on the area to be treated. Use of sun beds or prolonged exposure to sunlight is not allowed in the month prior to treatment. The use of sunblock is preferable; however alternatively a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 can be used on the area between treatments. Sun-tans should be left to fade before treatment can start. Fake tans and gradual tanning products must all be fully faded before treatment can commence. We reserve the right to charge you £25 for any appointment booked but abandoned due to active sun-tan or fake-tan.
The area to be treated should be free from make-up , perfume, deodorant, body cream or face cream.
We ask that if the area to be treated is covered with hair that you shave the area. (It is NOT necessary to shave your eyebrows for SPMU/tattooed eyebrow removal, we work around the hair) This will be explained at your consultation.
A medical history is taken before starting treatment; however we rely on you to inform us of any changes to this. We need to know of any medication you are taking, including those bought from a chemist or herbalist.
You are advised to wear loose clothing so the area isn’t aggravated after the laser session.
Drink lots of water before and after treatment.
Straight after your treatment
The tattoo can be cooled with a cool pack to aid with comfort and reduce swelling, if you don't have one then a cool flannel can be applied to the area. An aloe-vera or Lynton Soothe gel will be applied after treatment and it is recommended that a serum is applied 3 times daily for at least a week after treatment. If pinpoint bleeding occurs, we may place a non-adherent dressing over the treated area, and secure with a micropore tape. The tattoo may appear to be bruised with a grey or purple colour; the discolouration will fade during the next 7-12 days. Mild swelling, redness and tenderness can occur and will normally last for up to one week.
Home care advice
In some instances, blisters may form in the area followed by a scab or thin crust. If blistering does occur keep the area clean and dry and allow to heal naturally.
Do not use any lotions or creams on open skin as this may increase the risk of infection.
lf any scabs or crusting forms, it should be allowed to fall off on its own. The underlying skin will remain red for a few days to several weeks. To minimise complications do not remove crusts. Avoid scratching if itching occurs.
If you can leave showering for 24 hours then do so to avoid heating the treatment area up. Due to the treatment area being hot we recommend using cooler water and gently pat the area dry; do not rub with a towel.
Do not apply make-up on the treated area until it is fully healed.
Protect the area from the sun. Use a high SPF/block or avoid any sun exposure on the treated area for at least one month after treatment.
Massage may help disperse the pigment once the area is fully healed.
lf the treatment area shows any signs of infection: - profound redness, pus, swelling or tenderness, inform your doctor immediately.
Skin can develop temporary lightening (hypo-pigmentation) or darkening (hyper-pigmentation) after laser treatment; both can be made worse by sun exposure. Pigment changes may be permanent but will usually resolve within 3-5 months.
Handy advice
After showering pat the area dry rather than rubbing as this may sting.
Don’t bathe, or use a sauna/steam room for a couple of days after treatment.
Keep the treated area out of direct sunlight.
Pin-point bleeding can occur – and if any blisters form, do not pop them leave them to heal naturally.
Most of the process relies on your immune system to disperse the ink, so the stronger the immune system; the faster the tattoo should fade. We recommend 6-8 weeks between sessions due to this.
The further away from the heart that the tattoo is situated, the longer it will take to fade, therefore longer intervals between sessions are advised.
It is important between sessions to boost your immune system to aid the process. Things such as eating healthily, exercise and drinking lots of water can help.
After your first treatment the changes may be subtle. Laser tattoo removal will take time for you to see significant results, but rest assured that it is okay to see slow progress rather than going too aggressive and having complications. Patience is key!
Get in touch
If you have any further questions prior to treatment, please contact us here.
"He Said...She Said"
When I first started my Laser Removal Journey I was very nervous and unsure what to expect, I couldn’t have asked for a more friendly, professional and very informative team than Matt and Jodie! Even down to the aftercare they had it all covered! I’m loving the results and I have complete trust in them. I have started on my second removal with them and I honestly would not go anywhere else. Thanks Guys x